Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Highlights

It's New Year's Eve and I'm in a ruminating and reminiscing mood. Looking back over the year I can see how far I've come and not just distance wise having travelled over 12,000 miles at least (but more on that later)

 January started in a very chilly South Korea with excellent fun with friends and a difficult season at work somehow God got me through with the help of my friends and family at the Osan Hospitality House and my church in Korea. You know who you are and if you're reading this I praise God for the things you have all done to help me over the last year.

 The middle of the year saw a workforce change at work and my wonderful co-worker Bradley arrived thus improving the atmosphere at work, a wonderful royal wedding party and I got to spend the weekend at home for my brother's wedding a great occasion to catch up with all the family and indulge in some much needed British cake!! (one of the many things I missed living in Korea.)


In July I used my summer vacation time to take a trip to Jeju (the Hawaii of Korea) and spent the time seeking God's direction to where I should go next as I had made the decision to leave Korea. I also visited the DMZ and saw first hand the North Korean soldiers and felt the tension that exists on that border it was a fascinating day out.

A surprising highlight came in August where in the heat and humidity of the Korean summer an unexpected person introduced themselves to me one day. Our friendship has been a breath of fresh air and has become very dear to me.

With the change of seasons from summer to autumn brought a change of country and the beginning of my epic trek home I said goodbye to my students and my dear dear friends and anyonghegeseyo to Korea and went to China. I was terrified at the start of this trip having never travelled like that before but it proved to be the most wonderful time ever. 5 countries later I was home. via Mongolia Russia Ukraine Poland and Germany.

and so to the last 2 months Home has been a joy eating mum's cooking, relaxing and catching up with friends and family. I'm sad to leave 2011 its been a tough but great year and so to 2012 where I find myself packing my suitcases ready to move not that far this time to sunny Bournemouth where for the next 4 weeks I am the student not the teacher. Here's to 2012 being a vintage year and full of many more exciting adventures, I know I have a few planned already. Happy New Year folks!! What are your 2011 highlights and what are you looking forward to about 2012?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Places to visit: Kiev

I'm hoping this will be come a regular feature on the blog I'm going to be recommending or not recommending places for you to visit based on my travels and experiences at home and abroad.

Today's recommendation is Kiev. As many of you know I recently spent 3 and half weeks trekking across the globe on the trans Siberian railway. En route to Poland I had an originally unplanned stop in Kiev. I had originally thought I would only be seeing the inside of the Railway Station but with my train from Moscow arriving at 7:00am and my next train not leaving till 8:00pm I had some time to kill, and what better excuse than exploring an unknown city.

Thanks must go first to my wonderful friend Karen who not only inspired me to start blogging with her awesome blog check it out, but she kindly donated me some Ukrainian Currency.

So what did I see in Kiev? Well after getting a map and getting a grip on the layout of the city I headed for my first stop Mishalvsky Palace which is under renovation but is beautiful the architecture of Kiev is a treasure trove for any architecture buffs.

Kiev has many orthodox churches which are stunningly beautiful sadly you cant take pictures inside so unfortunately I cannot show you the stunning insides but here are a few pictures of the wonderful Kiev.

Next I spent a few minutes practising my photography skills on the beautiful Lover's Bridge

Tip for foodies Kiev has some excellent cake if you do go check out the underground mall on the main road through Kiev just walk straight down from the botanical gardens and the university. Which is where I had this..!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Home at last (but still can't wait to leave again!)

So I arrived home almost 2 weeks ago and already I cannot wait to be away again. I love this country dearly it is my homeland and always will be but there is something about being home that makes me want to be gone. Maybe it's because of the government or the weird weather but somehow I find it easier to be British abroad.

However it's amazing being home and I love seeing all my friends and family and catching up with them. The reverse culture shock is sure something to contend with. I've cried with joy at the most unremarkable things including tesco and just hearing english to name a couple. thankfully the crying is wearing off now but still somethings take me by surprise I have still tried to get in the wrong side of the car a few times and apparently now sound american even though to me and my american friends I still sound like a Brit. I guess today's question is to those of you that have lived abroad for any length of time do you ever get this same feeling about your homeland when you go back?